Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Greener Pastures

  I love when someone speaks Scripture over me as a blessing!  Recently, my good friend Kent, blessed me with the 23rd Psalm. At the conclusion of our conversation, I went on a majestic journey which involved, of all things - sheep, hundreds of sheep grazing in a high mountain valley meadow. 
  When I first encountered the sheep I came across the 'shepherds' in their tent asleep and the sheep scattered all across the fields. I thought to myself... "what do these shepherds do anyway, how hard could that be? - on some days I wouldn't mind doing that kind of work..." I drove about two-hundred yards and the thought went through my mind "hey, hold on, that is what I do for a living!"  While I didn't turn around to go back and ask forgiveness for my prideful contempt, I did give that some thought as I drove through these hundreds of sheep grazing. 
  Let's see... those shepherds have to really train and take care of the sheep dogs on guard.  The shepherds inoculate the sheep against disease.  They tolerate and attempt to guide those few 'black sheep' in the flock.  They shoot the wolves with their .357 Rossi Ranch Hand and on some days probably just assume their bullet stray hitting one of the... (no we can't go there). But one of the greatest things they do is to lead their sheep to green pastures for grazing. However, one thing the shepherd cannot do for the sheep is to make it eat. Regardless of its age, sex or wool color... the sheep must eat and drink on its own. The shepherd can only do His part in guiding and protecting the sheep.  The sheep can become sick all on their own by not eating or drinking or allowing itself to unknowingly graze into a dangerous position. That's the dilemma of the shepherd isn't it? Hmmm... so when someone say's "I'm not being fed", hey, that's a personal admission not an indictment on the shepherd, the other sheep, or the owners of the sheep... they own THAT!
  Now, I wish I had gotten out and laid down in that grassy valley because see, even the as a spiritual shepherd over a flock of spiritual sheep (but what seems at times like cats), I myself, more often now days, sense a need for those same green pastures. It's there as I wait, graze, rest and reflect on Christ Jesus my Shepherd... I lose my sense of dread over walking through the valley of the shadow of unanswered email, calls to be made, meetings to plan and attend and deadlines to meet for the weekend services... It's there I find renewal and a cool drink of water from the still waters from the River of Life. As my Shepherd comes close, with hesitation, I lower my head anticipating His loving words in my ear to comfort me... Fear flees, as I walk beside Him down the paths behind Him and at other times beside Him. His loving faithfulness simultaneously guides and follows me all the way home. As my day draws to an end, I rest in His house, forever changed, forever lifted up, forever secure, forever in His Presence. 
  If you have a word for another sheep today, speak it, tell it, email it, text it, voice it... it can make their day and and bring the greatest joy to them in their valley. If you need a word spoken over you, consider the 23rd Psalm... it's a Psalm most read at the graveside but really it's a Psalm for the sheep who are alive...

In Christ!

Pastor Paul

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