Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bad Dog!!!

Maximus Decimas Maridius
  "Bad Dog!!! Shame!!! Guilt!!! Sin!!! Condemnation!!!" Those words are often heard around our house in reference to Maximus (family dog). I say them so much now, that he thinks they are terms of endearment; which causes him to roll over onto his back, wag his tale and wait for me to rub his stomach. But when I add a pointed finger, deepen my voice and change my countenance... he knows the difference. At that he rolls back over onto his feet and heads for the doggie door.
  Now before you start feeling sorry for Maximus - don't!  Do NOT allow that long wet nose, long ears and boyish charm fool you. He has eaten almost everything and anything in sight that he deems worth enough to hear those words come from my mouth - "Bad Dog!!!..." He even ate the cover to a copy of "A Call to Die"... Either he didn't like the book or someone coated it with bacon grease...
  It's all in the finger isn't it? It's those sharp words, pointed finger, angry countenance that melts our hearts and sends us into fight or flight mode.
  I've found that there are three types of what is clinically called BDS (Bad Dog Syndrome) we face each and every day.  There is the Squinted Eye Type where someone projects there own junk on you and you feel the unjust condemnation from them. This causes a tremendous amount of angst and eventually distance in that relationship. This is probably best illustrated in Job's friends accusing statements. Another Type is the Closed Eyes Type where something happens and you find yourself closing your eyes hoping it all ends soon but it doesn't. It's not yours or anyone else's stuff... it's just life coming against you. The problem gets more complicated when we begin looking for a cause and too often our old sinful nature helps us out by accusing us. Throw in an ounce of the Devil and a teaspoon of bad memories and you find yourself heading for the doggie door in search for refuge - alone and hurting.
  The final type is Red-Eye Type which is real. It's where we've done it and begun to face the consequence for our choices. This is where the Holy Spirit allows the Laws written on our hearts to stand in opposition to us and guilt covers us over. We weep, sleeplessness sets in, thoughts swirl, guilt rises until our eyes seep with bloody tears over our sin. It's here where I think God does some of His greatest work in and through us.
  Instead of rolling over to run for the doggie door from His presence, we remain there in that moment  - looking up, seeking His touch of forgiveness. He promises us "For I will not accuse you forever, and I will not always be angry; for the spirit would grow weak before Me, even the breath of man, which I have made." (Isaiah 57:16)
  Regardless of the type of BDS you are suffering from, we serve a Savior who took the world's junk on Himself on the cross. We can rest in that as he gives us that reassuring touch on our hearts. So take your stuff, get rid of your stuff, reject other's stuff projected on you... roll over and let the Lord rub your stomach and listen as He calls you by your name...

In Christ.

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