Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Dirty Wedding Dress

Last October I had the privilege of going back to Oklahoma to marry the daughter of some very close friends. I had told her that if she ever got married, I would agree to do her wedding. I had baptized Crystal when she was about ten years old; so this was another very special occasion in her life in which I got to share. Everything really went well... except I noticed one simple flaw during the ceremony...

During the lighting of the unity candle, the train of Crystal's wedding dress was flipped over on one corner and there, underneath the train was what looked like a child's tennis shoe print. It was at that point I thought to myself during the song... "Wow, that's like the church (bride of Christ)! Why is my focus on that right now amidst all the beauty and ceremony of this sacred event?"  I think that is a most relevant question today in the church.

Why the focus on the dirty wedding dress? I could have paused the ceremony and brought attention to the obvious infraction. I could have made that a point of offense. I could have questioned her privately. I could have gotten onto the bridesmaid (who wasn't wearing tennis shoes...)  I could have refused to serve out my function as the wedding official because there was a 'flaw'. I could have let that one thing ruin my relationship with Crystal, her new husband and his family, her family and friends. There are many things I could choose to do - all focusing on the dirty wedding dress.

The obvious choice in the matter was to look into the faces of this wonderful couple, who love the Lord, love each other and were making a commitment to live out their lives in blissful love... and to share the moments together. For all the footprints, flaws, broken dreams and promises, differing passions, tastes and passions; we have a choice - celebrate the bride of Christ, whom Jesus is the groom of, having given his life for - or denigrate the bride by focusing all of our attention on the perceived flaws, mistakes, misgivings, our hurt feelings, disappointments, unmet expectations...

In a way, I wish I had never seen that faint footprint on the train of Crystal's dress. But you know... that footprint in no way takes away from the glory of that momentous occasion we shared. In a way, I wish there were no stains on the dress of the bride of Christ - but there are. Only my choice is this - to celebrate the momentous celebration of worship of our Savior who has chosen us as His bride to love, to redeem, to have, to hold, to protect, to serve and to provide for... in good times and bad, adversity and prosperity, sickness and health... till death do us unite in His presence - forever.

I invite you today to join me in celebrating the joyous wedding engagement and fast approaching wedding by encouraging one another - especially as we see the day approaching of the groom's return and while we are at it, while the bride doesn't notice - lean down and wipe away that dirty foot print... let's not trample on the bride...

In Christ.

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