Monday, August 25, 2014

Not by Design

   Sometimes when you go to play a file from the internet, you can receive a message from your computer that says something like; "Insufficient Programming to Play the File Requested - [Press] for more info". Or you are working under the hood of your car and need a flat head screw driver, instead of getting out from under the car you reach for whatever is there and you pick up a philips head screwdriver instead... These instances are whispering to us; "It wasn't designed for this..."
   Life is that way isn't it?!  We endure pain, experience trials and hurt so badly inside but we can't put our finger on 'why?' Let me propose something to you that might possibly bring some insight but also so encouragement.
   'We were not designed for much of what we experience in life!'  Think about it; On the 6th day of creation God created man (and later He goes on to create woman - thank God!) What He creates is in perfect operating condition. No sickness, no disease, no death, no struggle, no shame, no problem! Sounds like heaven on earth huh!? That was what we were designed for - the Garden of Eden - not this mess we are in. We were designed with the ability to love God and our spouse. Designed to be married forever to the one we love. Designed such that even though we get tired, we can rest and be restored. Designed to enjoy food in moderation, to enjoy our work with God's creation and enjoy the very air we breathe. Something happened though in those early days of man's existence. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, the serpent went on in his cursed ways to inflict on mankind the horrors of horrors - death!
   'Not by design' means we were never equipped or created for loss, pain or suffering. Sin entered the world and with it came death. Let's just say there's a pretty high probability rating that we will all die; but that's not what God designed is it?
   So here we are thousands of years later searching for the answer of 'why?' when wisely we should begin asking 'what now?' Even in the moments immediately following Adam and Eve's titanic choices, God had a plan to redeem what had been lost. The Bible tells us that "all of creation groans" for redemption; for the ultimate salvation God has planned for us through faith in His Son - Jesus! In this we rejoice and are glad. By faith in Jesus' redeeming work we enter into God's family and come into possession of a life and future life as God designed - faith, hope and love. In the meantime, the Holy Spirit walks with us, talks with us, empowers us, comforts us, blesses us... all in anticipation of the complete and final salvation - Praise God for His wonderful design of saving us from sin and death...

In Christ!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bearded Babies

   I was checking in on a friend of mine from Nigeria through Facebook. Mustafa has worked with churches and mission organizations his entire adult life. He served as our mission team's interpreter each trip we made to Nigeria. He speaks seven - yes seven - different languages; including arabic.  His Facebook profile picture is a picture of a Nigerian baby with a long white beard from a poster entitled 'The Characteristics of Immature Christians'.
   Among the characteristics of Immature Christians are:

  • Itching Ears
  • Unproductive
  • Unstable
  • Loosed Tongue
  • Carnal Behavior…
   I am not a fan of going to carnivals. The 'old school' carnivals had what were called 'freak shows'. You know - the bearded woman, man with two heads, elephant man, evil dwarf, female sword swallower… and the list goes on. I wonder aloud now, 'Do people outside church think of church (Christians mind you…) as a freak show?'  Could it be that on the marquis of our carnivalized Christian life actually reads "Come see the Bearded Baby"?

   I want to challenge you this week to listen to and consider this past Sunday's message application, Consider the 3 Critical Steps to Understanding the Mystery of Spiritual Maturity:
  1. Personal Responsibility for Spiritual Growth
  2. Personal Role in Kingdom Growth
  3. Personal Commitment to Unity Within the Body of Christ (thru…)
    • Communication
    • Consideration
    • Cooperation
I look forward to seeing you guys on Sunday as we explore the 'Challenges to Spiritual Maturity'. 

Pastor Paul

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dumpster Diving

   A little over a year ago, I had the 'opportunity' to go dumpster diving with Michael Lyon. Our family was in Colorado Springs staying at Claire's house. Michael came in talking about their most recent finds. It all sounded so fascinating, I told him I would love to go sometime. So two nights later he showed up and took me along for the ride. It's amazing what you can find in
a dumpster behind a nice retail store. Between rugs, vases, lights, bags… amazing things of wealth and all you have to do is commit, dig down a little and hurry before security arrives.
   This week I received some pictures of a nice bear dumpster diving here at the church in the middle of the afternoon. I'm sure he thought; "you know those Baptist like to eat more than the Church of Christ across the street… I'll go there!" I feel certain he found what he was looking for but he had to make a commitment and dig around a little. As for security, where's a pastor or deacon when you need them most to run off a bear?!
   Giving this a little thought this morning, I'm thinking Jesus would approve of dumpster diving! I mean, isn't that what he did for us? He left the safe, sterile confines of heaven to come to a garbage scow.

He dug around, was ridiculed, scoffed at, beaten, mocked and crucified for our muck and excreta at the bottom of our personal dumpster of a soul. He dove right in and gave it all, considering his life of no value in exchange for our own. He did not concern Himself with His own security but His life made it possible for our security. Even better, he takes us out of that dumpster, cleans us up, gives us a new name and home address (heaven); no longer to fear Him or eternity. You see He knows we are of infinite worth to His Father! We are His prized possession and He places us in a prominent place!
   I hope you take a few minutes this week before Sunday to give Him praise for what He has done for us. Next time you drive by the dumpster, just remember that each of us comes from that place. Next time you see a person in the dumpster, just remember the Lord values them and wants to use you to go inside that dumpster to rescue them. Just beware - open the lid cautiously because you never know what's inside…

In Christ!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Put it on My Account

   I spent fifteen years in the retail business before I led my first church. Each of these businesses had in-store charge accounts. Oftentimes one of the customers would bring a friend or family member in to buy something for and would state; "Put it on my account." What a blessing it is to have someone come beside you and in essence make payment for something you really need in life.
   This happens in life a great deal between friends; particularly when someone's life has been hijacked by the chaos brought on by personal sin. Few things hurt worse than having to deal with the consequences of your sins, but if you have to deal with those same consequences alone - that's pain. But when someone comes alongside you, even just to be present and extend a gracious hand of support in dealing with those consequences - what a blessing! Because what they are saying is - "Put that on my account - I believe in you!"
   In a strange and providential way, a guy named Paul had become friends on Facebook with a guy named Onesimus. One day, Paul pulled up One's Facebook page and noticed they had one 'mutual friend' - Philemon. Later Paul chatted online with One about Phil, One told him how he had been in business with Phil and things went south and how he had shanked Phil. In the course of time, One became a Christian and a great friend of Paul but he also needed to make amends for his past. In a stroke of grace, Paul asked Phil in a very personal letter to "accept" One back and to charge whatever One owed Phil to his own "account"; all in hopes of seeing "restoration" occur.
   We don't know the end of the story, whether Phil blocked Paul's news feed or even de-friended him. But nonetheless, Paul was there for both One and Phil, interceding. So let me ask you - who is the 'One' you need to be there for today? Who is currently having a very difficult time who could use a friend? I want to encourage you to get beyond Facebook and Twitter and consider being that friend…

In Christ!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Spin Cycle

   The 'Spin Cycle' is a great feature on a washing machine but in our lives - not so much!  Whether it's marriage, end of school year activities, graduations, vacations, weddings, work projects, home remodeling - the spin cycle can take over your life like no other. It's very easy for a "new normal" to be created. The "new normal" is nothing to be desired, in fact it's deadly.
   You put one foot inside, followed by an arm, then your head and eventually your whole body gets inside. You hear the door close behind you, the timer gives a "click" and you hear water and soon the drum is full of water with you inside. Just as you think you are about to drown in it all, the water stops but the fun really is just beginning because round and round you go; back and forth tossed inside. You think it's over; "i've survived… please let me out!". But the water fills again and off you go to the next stage until the next stage when you go into hyper spin mode. It's the Spindle Top at Six Flags all over again; only this time it's for real!
   There's an alternative - Summer Sabbath Rest! I want to encourage you this summer to take a day each week to just turn it all off at home. Leave work 'on time', head home, eat a family meal, sit down to play a game or read a book. The next morning sleep in / get up earlier (do something different) - but more than anything commit that day to the Lord and rest in Him. Look and Listen for His prompting on what to do.
   It's been a crazy spinning hasn't it?! Take the Lord's advice (command #4): Observe a Sabbath day of Rest…

In Christ!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Fascination with Crime Mysteries

   Ever since the inception of television, broadcasters have picked up on our culture's fascination with criminal mysteries. Some of the earliest TV crime dramas were 'I Spy' (Bill Cosby), 'Dragnet' and 'Police Woman'. Today things have changed a bit; I like to watch 'Criminal Minds'. My all-time favorite however is 'Columbo', not to mention he has a bad-behaving basset hound!
   During the Christmas break I read Bill O'Reilly's (New York Times Best Seller) books 'Killing Kennedy' and then 'Killing Jesus'. This got me to thinking about the famous murders in the Bible. This coming Sunday I begin a series entitle 'REDRUM'. We will start right off the bat with 'Killing Abel'.

   Each week we will study the historical aspects of the main characters, some of the unique Scriptures associated with each event and character, look at what the Holy Spirit is communicating to us and then draw some personal application.
   Of course the Bible already answer's the 'whodunit' question, but the mystery always centers around the message being communicated to us. Life is much like that isn't it? We have facts but there's always a mystery surrounding what those facts mean. I hope to see you this Sunday or if you're not able to join us in person, check us out online.
I hope you have a great week… In Christ!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Milk-bones and Manna

I was driving through the LANB drive-in window last week. The wind was blowing snow around, it
was a cold day but something I saw warmed my heart. I was looking through the glass and noticed two boxes of milk-bones on the counter behind the desk against the wall. At first, I was a little mystified and wondered deep in my mind 'what are milk-bones doing there?" Then it hit me… "CUSTOMER SERVICE!"

Maybe down deep the board of directors voted 8-0 in support of providing dog passengers the milkbones so they wouldn't chew up customer's deposit receipts. But something in me said; "you know, they really care about people!" Let's face it - we care about our pets, even basset hounds that chew up our study Bibles (yes, Maximus did that!) For someone to really think about the things people love, well… that's just special! Sure next to the boxes of milk-bones are the wonderful, multi-flavored suckers for our children and grandchildren (and the almost grown ups), but milk-bones?!  that's really special. My favorites are the orange and cream flavored by the way… just saying!

'Pastor, why milk-bones?'

It strikes me that church should always be about 'OTHERS'. Even if it means running the risk of being called to the CFO's office to inquire about the exorbitant cost of milk-bones and the drain it's having on the offering bag/box… I'm not suggesting here that we have a 'bring your dog to church day' and we'll baptize them, because 'All Dogs Go to Heaven' right? But I am suggesting that everything we do, always be for 'OTHERS'! In a world that is selfish, self-centered, self-absorbed and self-motivated - what would church services be like if we Christians considered 'OTHERS'? Probably a little less attention paid to ourselves and our little idols. Less focus spent on those little emotional golden calves that unexplainably just leap from the fire of our sacrifice. Maybe we would melt down those little worship action figures we call 'preferences'.

I can't promise you milk-bones this Sunday, but I can promise you a little manna from heaven; that daily bread that we all need. And along the way as we set our hearts on Him, we will invest in milk-bones because we care about 'OTHERS'…

Got Milk(bones)?