Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Devil's Claw

  'The Devil's Claw' - the name alone strikes intrigue. Actually the 'Devil's Claw' is classified as a 'noxious weed' and native to the Americas. It's technical name is 'Ibicella Lutea'. It often grows along the road sides and can be more commonly found around watering tanks for animals. It's a devilish looking weed when the flowers and green leafs have fallen and it is broken off. The horn-shaped tentacles look menacing as they protrude from the seed pod which opens up when stepped on. The seeds often find their way into the ground or onto the hooves and heads of sheep; very often causing serious injury and eventually death by starvation. During the blooming season they have either purple or yellow flowers and appear harmless enough but it's odious scent does not attract the average person. The 'Devil's Claw' is not exclusive to weeds however...
  The Devil's Claw is also known by other names:
  • "hurt"... as in 'ouch'
  • "rejection"... as in 'really!?'
  • "neglect"... as in 'only if...'
These attach to the hearts and minds of humanity. They irritate, dig in beneath the skin, eventually infect, and even spread seeds where others get hurt. Eventually, if left untreated, people starve themselves within relationship, or cause serious infection, pain, starvation and eventually the death of the relationships we would under normal conditions hold most dear
  Painstaking care is required in their removal. It seems to me that it's easier to identify the nature and even the source of these 'Claws' but much more difficult in removing them once af-fected or in-fected. This is where I believe the Shepherd is most needed. We need Him to sit with us and help us deal with each seed from the claw. He's a tender Physician really; never pushing the seed in deeper or twisting it around, only helping remove their ef-fects, covering over and healing us from these painful events and words. Our Shepherd also uses others to help us with this process. Our spouse, family or friends in our church often play that critical role in making us better. 
  This weekend one such person who has helped me and many others will be here in LA speaking to our church and community. Dr. Doug Weiss has been very instrumental in helping me identify some of these 'seeds' and provide me a path forward in my own life-journey. I hope you'll join us this weekend as we work toward authentic intimacy in our relationships. 
  In the meantime, if you discover a weed that has a purple or yellow flower on it which doesn't smell particularly too good, it may very well be a  'Devil's Claw'. Avoiding them, your life and the lives of your family and friends will be better for it. Also, if those seeds have found a way into your life or relationships, determine to no longer go it alone or avoiding the necessary remedy... there's help and hope available...

In Christ!

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