Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dumpster Diving

   A little over a year ago, I had the 'opportunity' to go dumpster diving with Michael Lyon. Our family was in Colorado Springs staying at Claire's house. Michael came in talking about their most recent finds. It all sounded so fascinating, I told him I would love to go sometime. So two nights later he showed up and took me along for the ride. It's amazing what you can find in
a dumpster behind a nice retail store. Between rugs, vases, lights, bags… amazing things of wealth and all you have to do is commit, dig down a little and hurry before security arrives.
   This week I received some pictures of a nice bear dumpster diving here at the church in the middle of the afternoon. I'm sure he thought; "you know those Baptist like to eat more than the Church of Christ across the street… I'll go there!" I feel certain he found what he was looking for but he had to make a commitment and dig around a little. As for security, where's a pastor or deacon when you need them most to run off a bear?!
   Giving this a little thought this morning, I'm thinking Jesus would approve of dumpster diving! I mean, isn't that what he did for us? He left the safe, sterile confines of heaven to come to a garbage scow.

He dug around, was ridiculed, scoffed at, beaten, mocked and crucified for our muck and excreta at the bottom of our personal dumpster of a soul. He dove right in and gave it all, considering his life of no value in exchange for our own. He did not concern Himself with His own security but His life made it possible for our security. Even better, he takes us out of that dumpster, cleans us up, gives us a new name and home address (heaven); no longer to fear Him or eternity. You see He knows we are of infinite worth to His Father! We are His prized possession and He places us in a prominent place!
   I hope you take a few minutes this week before Sunday to give Him praise for what He has done for us. Next time you drive by the dumpster, just remember that each of us comes from that place. Next time you see a person in the dumpster, just remember the Lord values them and wants to use you to go inside that dumpster to rescue them. Just beware - open the lid cautiously because you never know what's inside…

In Christ!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Put it on My Account

   I spent fifteen years in the retail business before I led my first church. Each of these businesses had in-store charge accounts. Oftentimes one of the customers would bring a friend or family member in to buy something for and would state; "Put it on my account." What a blessing it is to have someone come beside you and in essence make payment for something you really need in life.
   This happens in life a great deal between friends; particularly when someone's life has been hijacked by the chaos brought on by personal sin. Few things hurt worse than having to deal with the consequences of your sins, but if you have to deal with those same consequences alone - that's pain. But when someone comes alongside you, even just to be present and extend a gracious hand of support in dealing with those consequences - what a blessing! Because what they are saying is - "Put that on my account - I believe in you!"
   In a strange and providential way, a guy named Paul had become friends on Facebook with a guy named Onesimus. One day, Paul pulled up One's Facebook page and noticed they had one 'mutual friend' - Philemon. Later Paul chatted online with One about Phil, One told him how he had been in business with Phil and things went south and how he had shanked Phil. In the course of time, One became a Christian and a great friend of Paul but he also needed to make amends for his past. In a stroke of grace, Paul asked Phil in a very personal letter to "accept" One back and to charge whatever One owed Phil to his own "account"; all in hopes of seeing "restoration" occur.
   We don't know the end of the story, whether Phil blocked Paul's news feed or even de-friended him. But nonetheless, Paul was there for both One and Phil, interceding. So let me ask you - who is the 'One' you need to be there for today? Who is currently having a very difficult time who could use a friend? I want to encourage you to get beyond Facebook and Twitter and consider being that friend…

In Christ!