Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Patch Kids

A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to go down to Moriarty to the McCall's Pumpkin Patch with Mik, Megan and our grandson Evan. There's something spectacular about seeing thousands of pumpkins on the ground ready to be purchased and subsequently carved. Once we arrived we got onto the hay wagon pulled by a tractor, which what boys (young and older) don't like? It was kind of breezy and cool out, perfect weather for selecting pumpkins, and the skies were NM blue. We walked around in the field for a while, Evan found his pumpkin, the girls found theirs, Mik finally found a big one and then I found a green oblong looking pumpkin. I turned it on its end and thought... this would make an awesome alien pumpkin - Roswell style!  So I held onto my pumpkin, proud and tall like it was the holy grail.

After purchasing our pumpkins, we put them into the car and walked around to the slide, bought hot chocolate, ate lunch, watched Evan ride the train. I'm not sure who had the most fun though... Rarely do we get the opportunity to just be a kid anymore. It seems that the worries of this world have a way of extinguishing the carefree fires that burn in us. Whether it's sequestration, government shutdown / slimdown / shakedown or paying for college... there's always something.

So when you have a chance - take a stroll into the pumpkin patch. Find something there of worth, treasure it for a few moments and give thanks for the life He has given us. I really do believe that deep inside each of us is a Pumpkin Patch Kid wanting to come out and play... say 'yes' today and find a joy worth living for...

In Christ!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Potomac River Turning to Blood?

Roughly 3500 years ago a small nation was enslaved by the world's most powerful leader - Pharaoh. The LORD raised up a prophet unlike any prophet before or after him - Moses. His one mission was to confront Pharaoh, demand the release of the Israelites, lead them out of captivity to the Promised Land (modern day Israel and surrounding regions). You'll recall the story of how Pharaoh's heart was hardened by the LORD and that he himself was "unresponsive" to the signs that things were going to go really south for the Egyptians and for Pharaoh. But for what purpose did they need to go free? - To insure the freedom of God's people to worship the one true God. Pharaoh refused to negotiate even a temporary reprieve because of his pride, iniquity and self-worship. What ensued would turn the known political, social and spiritual world upside down - miraculous plagues. Miraculous Plague #1 The waters of Egypt, particularly the Nile were turned to blood.

What God did in this first plague was to strike at the heart of the Egyptian economy. From space we can see the vast importance that the Nile River plays in the Egyptian economy - not much has changed over the centuries. When God struck the waters of Egypt (Nile River included), he struck at the heart of the Egyptian people. Everything was affected - from a transportation shutdown, food and water shortage, it was a financial disaster. But by the end of the first day of seven to come, this was a spiritual crisis - God had struck at their god of "personal prosperity" (aka: Hapi)  Even the wood and stone containers which held the now valuable water poured with blood (Ex. 7:19)

Obviously, this calls for some personal and national evaluation on our part:
  1. Based on the recent news accounts, looking at our national leaders - do their attitudes reflect that of Pharaoh? Has the PotUS hardened his heart toward God, veterans, military, everyday Americans?  Has his heart and mind become so hard and dull that he is willing to see our military, veterans and families hurt to forward his personal and political agenda? And then there's the US Congress - there's not enough room to even comment there...
  2. Is this the best group of men and women we can find to govern our nation? 
  3. More importantly, what do we individually count on in life? What we work for, what we play at, what we dream about? Is our god any different from that of the 35th Century (BC) Egyptian? Have we bought into the creation myth of Darwinism or do we trust the Creator - Provider?
We live in a unique, uncommon place where in a republic we choose our leaders and can direct the affairs of government. Therefore we each have to take personal stock of our hearts and of the leaders we elect. For over three decades I wanted to believe that our governing leaders in Washington were inept, but no more. Empirical evidence would lead one to conclude they are not only inept - they are corrupt and lack the basic character to govern. 

We the People have options:
  1. Return to the Lord (2 Chronicles 7:12-22) or else eventually the waters of the Potomac will flow with blood... along with every manmade container of self-preservation and self-sufficiency - an economic disaster awaits us
  2. Return as a nation to the core principles of justice, spiritual fidelity and humility before the holy God of the universe
  3. Refuse to accept as 'norm' the professional incompetence and merciless attitudes of our elected leaders and if necessary, remove them from office and disallow them to return to office - ever
  4. Return the governing of our nation back to the people, for which it was founded
  5. Resist peacefully; without violence unless it becomes necessary to protect the honor of our families and neighbors should injustice, merciless rule and pride continue in Washington
  6. Return as a nation to the holiness of Almighty God
Unlike the Israelites there exist no land promised us beyond a body of water. This is our land promised to those who desire freedom from tyranny and oppression. We have become a nation divided, apart from God, with liberty and justice for a few. Either we return soon to the Lord or I fear the waters of the Potomac will turn to blood.