Sunday, August 11, 2024

Crimson, Clover, and My Lawn

    The 60's were an amazing period for the music industry. Mind you, groups like the Stones, Who, Beatles were at the top of what would become rock music legends. Now take Tommy James and The Shondells. They had a few hit songs; however, when Crimson and Clover was released the soft sounds and lyrical content caught the listeners ears. The song jumped to #1 in 1969. Yes, the year of Woodstock. 

    Decades later I find Crimson and clover at odds with one another... in my lawn. Crimson is a notable color expressing love and well, clover is the enemy and evil in my lawn. The two in my mind and lawn do not go together. Thus I am often at an impasse each spring and early fall to combat the evil empire of clover.

    My life is very much like Crimson and Clover.  It's here that I find the coexistence of sin and the grace of our loving God. Now I can fret over the weeds of sinful desires by ignoring them, giving into them. Or I can weed them out by allowing the Holy Spirit to eradicate them from my life in His way through the transforming power of God's loving grace. (Romans 12:1-2)

    In God's kingdom it's much the same. Recorded for us in Matthew's gospel (13:24-30, 36-43) is a powerful lesson for us. There is coming a time when the gathering will take place. The Lord will send His angels to gather up both the causes and sowers of evil. At that time they will both be cast into a fiery furnace.  As for today, I need to do a daily examination of my own life. I cannot concern myself with my neighbor's life to the neglect of my own. I have to tend to my own life first by digging into the Bible daily.

    It's God's grace and love that motivates me to continue day after day in tending to my own life. In the end, I make it my goal to live at peace with everyone, work hard with my own hands and my own business. (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12). It's in this that the clover seems to find less a stronghold and the radiance of a live lived well... 

In Christ.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Can We Get Along?

 It's been a while, but I'm back and ready to share a few things. But first, let me explain. For those of you who know me, there have been a few changes, but with those changes have come some great blessings. 

Remarried in November 2023 to Susan (Graham) Cunningham is at the top of the list. We grew up across the street from each other. I loved to irritate her to no end back when we were in grade school. Little does one realize that irritating a pretty girl at age 7-11 is actually a form of expressing one's interest in "going steady". The decades passed and we reconnected on Facebook of all places! I was in the process of deleting my account when I noticed I had a friend request from her. Long and wonderful story, we video dated and after insuring that she had passed my "7 Rules for Dating Paul" we were engaged and were soon after married. This brings me to my point in random fashion; "Can We Get Along?"

For those of you who are just finding out about me, you should know that I have a German Shepherd. His name is 'Schweinsteiger'. To his credit he has six tear drops, 3 under each eye (3 cats, 2 possums and a deer). One of those cats on Christmas morning a few years ago and yes, the Baby Jesus was watching. 

Marriage to Susan has brought another interesting wrinkle into the home... a cat. Knowing Schweinsteiger's propensity for feline violence, it was a concern. However, he adjusted over time. The telling moment was Evie' (female cat) ability to throw 6 punches in a matter of 1.3 seconds to his nose. Girls do have a way of changing boys! Now they walk past each other with little or no concern for one another. She drinks from his water bowl while standing in his food bowl. Somehow, they have figured out how to 'Get Along'. 

And that is today's subject; Can We Get Along?  If you've read previous year's postings you would figure out that I was quite... hmmm... unpolitically correct and rather expressive. I don't hide the fact nor do I apologize for most comments on politics. So today I return to that subject but from a different place. Can  We  Get  Along ?

The last time i posted a political point, the. national debt was over half its level right now. Our culture is at a perilous place in history. Without a movement of the Spirit of God, we will continue the descent into chaos and into open civil war of the worst sorts. The worst sort being where there are no sides or uniforms, just everyone for themselves. The answer to my question is one we will all have to answer on an individual level but not just the populous... it applies I believe more to the the federal establishment of our government. 

I wonder sometimes if both sides get together in the dark moments of the day to discuss 'what can we do to perpetuate the chaos and our control over the people?' I sometimes muse and envision party leaders smoking cigars or vaping, drinking shots of Jack in the darkness of night and scheming tomorrow's headlines. Call me cynical, you are probably right. Remember this...

Romans 12:18; "As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone..." 

If Schweinsteiger can Get Along with Evie... we can Get Along... 

In Christ!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Walk Softly and Carry a "Selfie" Stick

September 1, 1901 at the Minnesota State Fair, the (then) Vice-President of the United States made a statement in a speech that helped shape the foreign policy of our nation for 107 years.

"Walk Softly and Carry a Big Stick; you will go far!"

The national security philosophy of TR was carried forward for over a hundred years by Republican and Democratic presidents alike. It was predicated on the fact that the core values of American exceptionalism are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These human values could only be protected at home and espoused abroad by a diplomatic policy backed up by robust military and the bravery to exercise military might in the face of our enemies. Our nation has fought two world wars, the cold war and the war against Islamic terrorism under these values... however...

How the mighty have fallen! Now we have a foreign policy more aptly defined by the current (lame duck) POTUS as:

"Talk Politically Correct and Carry a Selfie Stick; we Surrender!"

The idea now espoused by the administration essentially is to avoid offending the enemy of Christianity, Judaism and the whole of the civilized world by surrendering our American and human values while taking 'selfies'! Narcissism has reached what was once the highest office in the world. What a joke! If only it was a joke, right? Only we are now the joke of the planet because of the cowardice and faulty idealism called the 'Obama Doctrine of International Surrender'. 

If we think that this is a new national security philosophy that is a tragic failure to recognize the religious nature of Islamic terrorism, just go back to 1979 and you will find another impotent man in the presidency (Jimmy Carter). At the age of 17, about to turn 18, I just wanted to fight - anybody! However, when the Iran Hostage Crisis hit, it went to a different level. Only at an early age, I refused to fight under a policy or a flag of impotence and weakness. Here we are today, 35 years forward and we have the leader of the greatest military in the world surrendering to these Islamic bastards. 20 coptic Egyptian Christians are all beheaded along the seashore of Libya and blood allowed to run into the Mediterranean, a Jordanian pilot is burned alive in a cage, muslim soldiers are paraded through the crowds in Iraq inside cages (whose fates are unknown), Kayla Mueller - a 26 year-old American humanitarian volunteer killed while being held captive by ISIS, we have a Muslim terrorist Maj. Nadal Hasan serving in the U.S. Army commit premeditated murder of 13 soldiers at Fort Hood in the name of Islam, Nigerian women and children enslaved, raped and murdered... all the while the president takes selfies, refuses to recognize the real threat and all the while criticizes Christians at the National Prayer Breakfast! 

Now if you think this is a politically motivated article - you are misled. I do not consider myself a Republican or Democrat because I have come to believe that the totality of our political process is at the core of this religious hypocrisy. We are faced with some harsh realities:

Surrender to Islam; succumb to the rape and torture of our women, loss of religious freedom and speech, witness the murder of innocent Christians, Jews by the Islamic Nazis, put on a bike helmet and ride off into history as if it's a episode of 'My Little Pony' while wearing rose colored glasses thinking our world is filled with unicorns and rainbows...

  • Revolt against the Hypocrisy and 'Wimpification' of the American Citizen by these Politico-Religious Cowards
  • Demand a Change at the Core Levels of Our Society and Government 
but if nothing else, Please do your family, friends and neighbors a favor and...
  • Pray for a Great Awakening!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Hold Fast

One of my favorite books and movies is 'Master and Commander". There's a sailor on board the HMS Surprise that has the tattoo 'Hold Fast" on his fingers as a way of saying to his mates... hang on, don't let go...

Sometimes life's circumstances are like traveling on a ship on the open seas. Imagine the winds raging, waves crashing and the skies above and the waters below as dark as night. That may very well describe what you or someone you know is going through right now. I know someone who is right this moment 'holding fast' and that inspires me today to share with you the hope you, me and others share in Christ!

Interestingly, on maritime vessels in ancient times, sailors were repeatedly encouraged to "hold fast". It meant that during rough seas or perilous moments, you needed to grab ahold and not leg go of the ships rigging to save from being swept out to sea and drowning.

The Bible tells us to "hold fast" as well. Indicating our need to grab hold of Jesus and not let go of our confession of Him. There are moments of darkness when that's all there is... ultimately it comes down to that!  Whether it's a situation of neglect, betrayal, abuse, our pillow is soaked by tears as we hold our pet, or we become filled with sorrow or fear... we can "hold fast" to our confession of Jesus. We "Hold Fast' in any number of ways - prayer, reading aloud a prayer of deliverance, reading the favorite Psalm, speaking to another Christian friend, requesting prayer from the church... We are inspired by great men and women in life... here's a few samples:

  • "Never, Never, Never given up" - Winston Churchill
  • "When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and HANG ON." - FDR
  • "I will never leave you or forsake you" - God
  • "The best way out is always through" - Robert Frost
  • "Hold fast, help is on the way, Hold fast, He's come to save the day!" - Mercy Me
Over the past several years this has become a favorite saying of mine. So whoever you are, wherever you are and whatever you are going through this minute - HOLD FAST!

Check out "Hold Fast" by Mercy Me... then share the love today and encourage someone you know with a little hope...

In Christ

Pastor Paul

Monday, August 25, 2014

Not by Design

   Sometimes when you go to play a file from the internet, you can receive a message from your computer that says something like; "Insufficient Programming to Play the File Requested - [Press] for more info". Or you are working under the hood of your car and need a flat head screw driver, instead of getting out from under the car you reach for whatever is there and you pick up a philips head screwdriver instead... These instances are whispering to us; "It wasn't designed for this..."
   Life is that way isn't it?!  We endure pain, experience trials and hurt so badly inside but we can't put our finger on 'why?' Let me propose something to you that might possibly bring some insight but also so encouragement.
   'We were not designed for much of what we experience in life!'  Think about it; On the 6th day of creation God created man (and later He goes on to create woman - thank God!) What He creates is in perfect operating condition. No sickness, no disease, no death, no struggle, no shame, no problem! Sounds like heaven on earth huh!? That was what we were designed for - the Garden of Eden - not this mess we are in. We were designed with the ability to love God and our spouse. Designed to be married forever to the one we love. Designed such that even though we get tired, we can rest and be restored. Designed to enjoy food in moderation, to enjoy our work with God's creation and enjoy the very air we breathe. Something happened though in those early days of man's existence. Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the serpent, the serpent went on in his cursed ways to inflict on mankind the horrors of horrors - death!
   'Not by design' means we were never equipped or created for loss, pain or suffering. Sin entered the world and with it came death. Let's just say there's a pretty high probability rating that we will all die; but that's not what God designed is it?
   So here we are thousands of years later searching for the answer of 'why?' when wisely we should begin asking 'what now?' Even in the moments immediately following Adam and Eve's titanic choices, God had a plan to redeem what had been lost. The Bible tells us that "all of creation groans" for redemption; for the ultimate salvation God has planned for us through faith in His Son - Jesus! In this we rejoice and are glad. By faith in Jesus' redeeming work we enter into God's family and come into possession of a life and future life as God designed - faith, hope and love. In the meantime, the Holy Spirit walks with us, talks with us, empowers us, comforts us, blesses us... all in anticipation of the complete and final salvation - Praise God for His wonderful design of saving us from sin and death...

In Christ!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Bearded Babies

   I was checking in on a friend of mine from Nigeria through Facebook. Mustafa has worked with churches and mission organizations his entire adult life. He served as our mission team's interpreter each trip we made to Nigeria. He speaks seven - yes seven - different languages; including arabic.  His Facebook profile picture is a picture of a Nigerian baby with a long white beard from a poster entitled 'The Characteristics of Immature Christians'.
   Among the characteristics of Immature Christians are:

  • Itching Ears
  • Unproductive
  • Unstable
  • Loosed Tongue
  • Carnal Behavior…
   I am not a fan of going to carnivals. The 'old school' carnivals had what were called 'freak shows'. You know - the bearded woman, man with two heads, elephant man, evil dwarf, female sword swallower… and the list goes on. I wonder aloud now, 'Do people outside church think of church (Christians mind you…) as a freak show?'  Could it be that on the marquis of our carnivalized Christian life actually reads "Come see the Bearded Baby"?

   I want to challenge you this week to listen to and consider this past Sunday's message application, Consider the 3 Critical Steps to Understanding the Mystery of Spiritual Maturity:
  1. Personal Responsibility for Spiritual Growth
  2. Personal Role in Kingdom Growth
  3. Personal Commitment to Unity Within the Body of Christ (thru…)
    • Communication
    • Consideration
    • Cooperation
I look forward to seeing you guys on Sunday as we explore the 'Challenges to Spiritual Maturity'. 

Pastor Paul

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Dumpster Diving

   A little over a year ago, I had the 'opportunity' to go dumpster diving with Michael Lyon. Our family was in Colorado Springs staying at Claire's house. Michael came in talking about their most recent finds. It all sounded so fascinating, I told him I would love to go sometime. So two nights later he showed up and took me along for the ride. It's amazing what you can find in
a dumpster behind a nice retail store. Between rugs, vases, lights, bags… amazing things of wealth and all you have to do is commit, dig down a little and hurry before security arrives.
   This week I received some pictures of a nice bear dumpster diving here at the church in the middle of the afternoon. I'm sure he thought; "you know those Baptist like to eat more than the Church of Christ across the street… I'll go there!" I feel certain he found what he was looking for but he had to make a commitment and dig around a little. As for security, where's a pastor or deacon when you need them most to run off a bear?!
   Giving this a little thought this morning, I'm thinking Jesus would approve of dumpster diving! I mean, isn't that what he did for us? He left the safe, sterile confines of heaven to come to a garbage scow.

He dug around, was ridiculed, scoffed at, beaten, mocked and crucified for our muck and excreta at the bottom of our personal dumpster of a soul. He dove right in and gave it all, considering his life of no value in exchange for our own. He did not concern Himself with His own security but His life made it possible for our security. Even better, he takes us out of that dumpster, cleans us up, gives us a new name and home address (heaven); no longer to fear Him or eternity. You see He knows we are of infinite worth to His Father! We are His prized possession and He places us in a prominent place!
   I hope you take a few minutes this week before Sunday to give Him praise for what He has done for us. Next time you drive by the dumpster, just remember that each of us comes from that place. Next time you see a person in the dumpster, just remember the Lord values them and wants to use you to go inside that dumpster to rescue them. Just beware - open the lid cautiously because you never know what's inside…

In Christ!